Journalistic Network: Hounting season on journalists in full swing

17. Apr 2017

An informal initiative of journalists from post-Yugoslav countries, strongly condemns the apparently politically motivated mass threats and insults that are coming these days to the President of the Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina Nedim Sejdinovic and requires the Authorities to react immediately, especially as these threats through social networks arrived from persons who did not hide their identitiy

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Novinarska mreža: Sezona lova na novinare u punom jeku

17. Apr 2017

Novinarska mreža smatra da smo, zbog neefikasnosti državnih organa u zemljama regiona, ali i pasivnosti međunarodne zajednice, došli u situaciju da oni koji prete novinarima i zastrašuju ih - nemaju više potrebu ni da skrivaju svoj identitet.

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